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Principali categorie trovate in 3 risorse su max:12 di oltre 500 in totale
Tutti / Yivi: alternative did digital identity faq no profit open source privacy spid wallet yivi
Privacy by Design Foundation
2023-12-24 · 26 min This page explains the ideas behind the identity platform yivi. It also explains how the system works and has been designed. The following topics will be discussed.What is yivi all about? Why would you wish to use attributes instead of identities? How do I obtain and use attribu
Privacy by Design Foundation
2023-12-24 · 26 min This page explains the ideas behind the identity platform yivi. It also explains how the system works and has been designed. The following topics will be discussed.What is yivi all about? Why would you wish to use attributes instead of identities? How do I obtain and use attribu
yivi wallet
2023-12-24 · < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
Principali categorie trovate in 3 risorse su max:12 di oltre 500 in totale
Tutti / Yivi: alternative did digital identity faq no profit open source privacy spid wallet yivi

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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