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Police Professional | European police chiefs call for end to end encryption roll out to include public protection measures
2024-04-27 · 4 min European police chiefs call for end-to-end encryption roll out to include public protection measuresThe Director General of the National Crime Agency (NCA) and European police chiefs are calling for industry and governments to take urgent action to ensure public safety across tec
Pirates: EU cash cap and ban on anonymous hosted crypto wallets results in financial paternalism
2024-04-25 · 2 min The majority of the EU Parliament will later today approve far-reaching new anti-money laundering laws: Anonymous cash payments over €3,000 will be banned in commercial transactions. Cash payments over €10,000 will even be completely banned in business transactions. And anony
Ross Anderson's Home Page
2024-04-24 · 75 min [Research] [Blog] [Videos] [Politics] [My Book] [Music] [Seminars] [Contact Details] Machine Learning needs Better Randomness Standards: Randomised Smoothing and PRNG-based attacks shows that the randomness tests long used to check random number generators for use in cryptograp
Overview — OpenVINO™ documentation — Version(2022.3)
2024-04-22 · 1 min Boost your model’s speed even further with quantization and other state-of-the-art compression techniques available in OpenVINO’s Post-Training Optimization Tool and Neural Network Compression Framework. These techniques also reduce your model size and memory requirements, al
Chatcontrol: i ministri dell’Unione Europea non vogliono la scansione indiscriminata dei messaggi. Ma solo per sé stessi e per i loro amici!
2024-04-16 · 2 min Riportiamo il post pubblicato oggi dall’europarlamentare pirata Patrick Breyer.Secondo l’ultima bozza della controversa proposta di regolamento UE sugli abusi sessuali sui min ori, trapelata dalla testata giornalistica francese Contexte, di cui hanno discusso gli Stati membri
Bitcoin e metodo Bukele non fanno svoltare l'economia di El Salvador
2024-04-16 · 3 min Il presidente Nayib Bukele - Reuters L'aumento della sicurezza finirà per tradursi in stabilità economica. È la promessa che il presidente di El Salvador Nayib Bukele continua a vendere ai suoi interlocutori internazionali. La realtà è che, secondo gli ultimi dati dell'Uffi
Il Sole sull’Agenzia delle Entrate e l’App Io
2024-04-14 · 3 min L’Agenzia delle Entrate è sbarcata sull’App Io, finalmente, anche se – a ben vedere – è uno sbarco ancora parziale, per quanto utile.“Finalmente” perché era il solo grande ente a non offrire ai cittadini la possibilità di una interazione su quest’app di Stato ch
10 Best Open Source Vulnerability Scanners
2024-04-05 · 16 min eSecurity Planet content and product recommendations are editorially independent. We may make money when you click on links to our partners. Learn More.Vulnerability assessment tools scan assets for known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other flaws. These scanners then o
20 Best Email Testing Tools MailPoet
2024-04-05 · 12 min If you’re sending emails, it’s essential that you test them with email testing tools. No doubt you put a lot of time into writing copy and tweaking your email template. But sending emails without proper testing can leave you open to mistakes, like emails not displaying prope
Verso un Mondo Nuovo? La corsa all'Intelligenza Artificiale Guarda il documentario completo | ARTE in italiano
2024-04-04 · 1 min Guarda ora Ginnastica culturale Quando l'arte dichiarava guerra ai peli 5 min Watch the programmeGinnastica culturale Quando l'arte dichiarava guerra ai peliGuarda ora Ryan Gosling Quel bravo ragazzo 53 min Watch the programme53 min Ryan Gosling Quel bravo ragazzoGuarda ora Mik
2024-04-03 · 1 min This site uses cookies. Visit our cookies policy page or click the link in any footer for more information and to change your preferences.Accept all cookies Skip to main content An official website of the European UnionAn official EU websiteAll official European Union website add
Security Engineering A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems
2024-04-02 · 5 min I've written a third edition of Security Engineering. The e-book version is available now for $44 from Wiley and Amazon; paper copies are available from Amazon here for delivery in the USA and here for the UK. Here are the chapters, with links to the seven sample chapters as I

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Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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