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1282 Curiosità del 1964: la Lindy's law

2019-06-25 spataro

Questo e' il podcast probabilmente con piu' errori della storia ... Scrivetemi per correggermi !

Ecco il link del 1964

Letta cosi' sembra che l'essere il meno possibili "famosi" e' meglio. Centellinare la propria presenza. Interessante ...

Lindy's Law, despite its awesome air
of common sense, is more a cautionary
fable than an accurate description or
prognostic; for, as one might suppose,
the factors that determine success or
failure for even such simple creatures
as comedians are a good deal more
complicated than the rule suggests. In-
deed, frequency of appearance may be
one of the least important considera-
tions, ranking behind ease and origi-
nality of invention, competition from
rival attractions and the moral and
psychological factors of self-confidence
and self-acceptance; or so at least the
careers of television's greatest indige-
nous comics - Sid Caesar and Jonathan
Winters - would lead one to believe.

Tuttavia l'effetto e' sconosciuto in Italia con questo nome, tanto che non ci sono articoli italiani.

Ecco da Wikipedia inglese:

The Lindy effect is a theory that the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things like a technology or an idea is proportional to their current age, so that every additional period of survival implies a longer remaining life expectancy.[1] Where the Lindy effect applies, mortality rate decreases with time. In contrast, living creatures and mechanical things follow a bathtub curve where, after "childhood", the mortality rate increases with time. Because life expectancy is probabilistically derived, a thing may become extinct before its "expected" survival. In other words, one needs to gauge both the age and "health" of the thing to determine continued survival.

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Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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