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Ross Anderson's Home Page
2024-04-24 · 75 min [Research] [Blog] [Videos] [Politics] [My Book] [Music] [Seminars] [Contact Details] Machine Learning needs Better Randomness Standards: Randomised Smoothing and PRNG-based attacks shows that the randomness tests long used to check random number generators for use in cryptograp
10 Best Open Source Vulnerability Scanners
2024-04-05 · 16 min eSecurity Planet content and product recommendations are editorially independent. We may make money when you click on links to our partners. Learn More.Vulnerability assessment tools scan assets for known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other flaws. These scanners then o
Google Ordered To Identify Who Watched Certain YouTube Videos
2024-03-26 · 3 min Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Federal investigators have ordered Google to provide information on all viewers of select YouTube videos, according to multiple court orders obtained by Forbes. Privacy experts from multiple civil rights groups told Forbes th
How to Run LLMs Locally on Raspberry Pi Using Ollama AI
2024-02-06 · 3 min Last week, I shared a tutorial on using PrivateGPT. It's an AI tool to interact with documents.Now, that's fine for the limited use, but if you want something more than just interacting with a document, you need to explore other projects.That's when I came across a fascinating pr
Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
2024-01-14 · 9 min This is an unofficial non-technical guide to using Mastodon and the wider Fediverse. You can search or browse the guide below. There’s a quick min i-version at the top, and the complete version below it. Search Search QUICK GUIDE If you’re totally lost and want to know what
Unfair Comparisons: How Visualizing Social Inequality Can Make It Worse
2023-11-29 · 25 min TLDR3iap’s peer-reviewed research was accepted to IEEE VIS 2022 Social cognitive biases can significantly impact dataviz interpretation Charts showing social outcome disparities can promote harmful stereotypes about the people being visualized Showing within-group outcome vari
VotaFacile La piattaforma di voto digitale Sicura e certificata
2023-11-22 · 2 min Gestisci le votazioni online con facilità, nel rispetto delle normative e da qualsiasi dispositivo: Smartphone, PC e Tablet. VotaFacile è la piattaforma di voto digitale completamente italiana che semplifica qualsiasi scelta.scopri di piùVota da qualsiasi dispositivo, in un cl
David Revoy on Why Free and Open Source Software Matters
2023-11-20 · 17 min David Revoy is a French illustrator living in the country’s south, near the town of Montauban. After working as a freelance artist for over 20 years, he’s become experienced in illustration, art direction, concept art, visual storytelling and even teaching. Today, David spen
You're the OS Le Alternative
2023-11-11 · 1 min Segnala errori o suggerisci alternative Segnala errori donazioni Articolo creato il: 3 Novembre 2023 Indice dei contenuti You’re the OS Gioca online Quello di oggi è un gioco talmente assurdo da essere quasi bello! Come potrete già aver immaginato dal nome in questo g
Preguntas Frecuentes | Menores | INCIBE
2023-10-24 · 26 min La tecnología forma parte de nuestro día a día, por lo que es habitual que a los padres, madres y docentes nos surjan dudas sobre la seguridad de los menores en Internet. Consulta nuestras respuestas a algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes.Si no lo ves claro, o tienes algu
11 Best Malware Analysis Tools and Their Features
2023-09-22 · 10 min Malware has become a huge threat to organizations across the globe. Something as simple as opening an email attachment can end up costing a company millions of dollars if the appropriate controls are not in place. Thankfully, there are a plethora of malware analysis tools to hel
9 Free & Best Open source Firewall to Secure Network
2023-09-13 · 8 min A firewall is one of the important parts of any network to secure systems. Here are the best available opernsource firewall based on Linux or FreeBDS. Firewall software are network security systems that act as a wall between the internal and external networks. Just like in Game

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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