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Banca Dati Nazionale del DNA | Polizia di Stato
2024-10-05 · 6 min La Banca Dati Nazionale del DNA è stata istituita con la Legge 30 giugno 2009 n. 85 per contrastare efficacemente il terrorismo, la criminalità organizzata transfrontaliera e l’immigrazione clandestina.L’attuazione della legge si è avuta con il Regolamento recante disposiz
Banca dati del DNA: cos'è, regolamento e attuazione in Italia Agenda Digitale
2024-10-05 · 5 min La banca dati del DNA è uno strumento tecnologico all’avanguardia che rende possibile un più efficace contrasto di taluni reati, oltre che uno strumento davvero indispensabile per affrontare i casi delle cosiddette “persone scomparse”.La banca dati del DNA, inoltre, non s
La Banca Dati S.D.I. in uso alle Forze dell’ Ordine Sicurezza e Giustizia
2024-10-05 · 10 min di Alessandro Ippoliti Corretta interpretazione ed utilizzo da parte degli Operatori di P.G. Brevi e semplici considerazioni in merito. Nella speranza che tale scritto,  possa essere di ausilio a tutti gli operatori del settore, ho ritenuto opportuno fornire un mio contributo
E commerce tramite piattaforme: obbligo di invio dati alle Entrate
2024-10-05 · 3 min Libro di CartaIVA in edilizia e nel settore immobiliare 2024-cartaceo29,45€ + IVAIN SCONTO 31,00 €ToolsRavvedimento speciale soggetti ISA aderenti CPB (Excel)49,90€ + IVAIN SCONTO 69,90 €E BookL'Iva nelle prestazioni di servizi internazionali17,90€ + IVAIN SCONTO 18,9
We spoke with the architect behind the notorious AI safety bill
2024-10-04 · 8 min Editor’s note, August 28, 7:50 pm ET: This story was originally published on July 19, 2024, and has been updated to reflect news that SB 1047 passed this week.California state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) is generally known for his relentless bills on housing and public
EU: EPRS publishes proposal on AI liability directive
2024-10-04 · 1 min You will receive an activation email shortly with verification instructionsCreate an accountJoin our community for free to access exclusive whitepapers, reports, and regulatory information. *First Name *Last Name *Work E-mail *Company *Country Phone (Optional) At least one upperc
Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops The Verge
2024-09-26 · 4 min privacy/ Tech/ US & World By Gaby Del Valle, a policy reporter. Her past work has focused on immigration politics, border surveillance technologies, and the rise of the New Right. Sep 24, 2024, 6:01 PM GMT+2 If you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media may earn a
Luxembourg opposes generalised surveillance by Chat Control
2024-09-26 · 5 min Flashback: the draft regulation of the European Parliament and of the European Council establishing rules to prevent and combat sexual abuse of children, presented on 11 May 2022, aims to step up the fight against the dissemination of pornographic images and videos and sexual sol
Safe and trustworthy AI is a shared responsibility Cisco Blogs
2024-09-25 · 3 min In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industry and society, collaboration between the public and private sectors has never been more critical. Trust and safety are ultimately on the line.   Cisco is a proud signatory and supporter of the EU AI Pa
privacy Preserving Attribution | Firefox Help
2024-09-25 · 3 min privacy-preserving attribution (PPA) is an experimental feature shipping in Firefox version 128.1 What is attribution? 2 How does privacy-preserving attribution protect my data? 3 In what conditions is privacy-preserving attribution used? 4 How can I disable PPA? 5 Related articl
Firefox tracks you with “privacy preserving” feature
2024-09-25 · 2 min Firefox follows Google? With a recent Firefox update, Mozilla seems to have taken a leaf out of Google’s playbook: without directly telling its users, the company has secretly enabled a so-called “privacy Preserving Attribution” (PPA) feature. Similar to Google’s (failed
Industry, academia and civil society contribute to the work on Code of practice for general purpose artificial intelligence
2024-09-25 · 1 min The submissions received will inform Commission’s work to finalise the Code of Practice by April 2025. The provisions in the AI Act on GPAI will enter into application 12 months after the Act’s entry into force on 1 August 2025.  Key focus areas for the Code include transpar

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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