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Radio. Ascolto eterogeneo in streaming è pieno di sorprese. Gugliotta (Xdevel) ne svela diverse: da Google ad Amazon passando per Radioplayer Newslinet
2024-03-20 · 11 min Stampa Gugliotta (Xdevel): Ripartizione ascolto streaming vede dispositivi mobili al 50% (anche grazie all’automotive), desktop al 30%, smart speaker al 15% e smart tv al 5%.La scelta di Google di bloccare le actions (un anno fa), spostando l’enfasi sulla collaborazione con
Tech,si gira!
2024-02-20 · 1 min STEP propone una rassegna cinematografica unica e originale, un viaggio attraverso i film che hanno esplorato ed esplorano il futuro della tecnologia e dell'umanità. Dopo  la proiezione integrale del film segue un dibattito moderato da Massimo Temporelli, accompagnato da ospiti
Les meilleures applications libres et éthiques pour Android en 2024 Alternatives numériques
2024-02-05 · 7 min Cet article est une production collective. Suite à mon appel à propositions sur Mastodon, 45 internautes ont généreusement partagé leurs meilleures applications libres et éthiques. Merci à elles et eux.Initialement, je pensais lister dans cet article les meilleures applica
Inside China’s controversial mission to reinvent the internet
2024-02-04 · 22 min On a cool day late last September, half a dozen Chinese engineers walked into a conference room in the heart of Geneva’s UN district with a radical idea. They had one hour to persuade delegates from more than 40 countries of their vision: an alternative form of the internet, t
Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
2024-01-14 · 9 min This is an unofficial non-technical guide to using Mastodon and the wider Fediverse. You can search or browse the guide below. There’s a quick min i-version at the top, and the complete version below it. Search Search QUICK GUIDE If you’re totally lost and want to know what
AI is about to completely change how you use computers
2023-12-25 · 232 min Personal Information CancelSave This email is already registeredCancelSavePlease verify email address. Click verification link sent to this email address or resend verification email. CancelSave Account DeactivationClick the link below to begin the account deactivation proces
Substack e la moderazione dei Contenuti sulle questioni Naziste
2023-12-23 · 1 min Substack Matrice DigitaleTempo di lettura:2 min uti.Più di 200 autori di Substack hanno chiesto alla piattaforma di spiegare perché sta “ospitando e monetizzando i nazisti“, e ora hanno ricevuto una risposta diretta dal co-fondatore Hamish McKenzie.McKenzie ha chiarito che
2023-12-15 · < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
TED Talks Daily (SD video) • AI is dangerous, but not for the reasons you think | Sasha Luccioni • podcast Addict
2023-12-01 · < 1 min TED Talks Daily (SD video) • AI is dangerous, but not for the reasons you think | Sasha Luccioni • podcast Addict AI is dangerous, but not for the reasons you think | Sasha Luccioni Download episode Listen on podcast Addict Subscribe on podcas
2023-11-17 · < 1 min wallabag can't retrieve contents for this article. Please troubleshoot this issue.
Bellissime immagini e foto gratuite | Unsplash
2023-11-17 · 1 min Editorial Unsplash+ Editorial Unsplash+ In evidenzaMomenti Accoglienti Sfondi Rendering 3D Architettura & Interni Natura Texture E Motivi Fotografia Di Strada Film Sperimentale Cibo & Bevande Attualità Viaggiare Moda & Bellezza Salute & Benessere Animali Le Per
Project P Wordpress podcast Theme: Publish pages for a podcast in a WordPress site
2023-11-07 · 1 min Description Author Victor Andeloci This package can publish pages for a podcast on a WordPress site.It provides PHP scripts for the theme code and templates, CSS stylesheet files, and JavaScript files to display content about a podcast.Currently, it can:- Show the last podcas

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Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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