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Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative
2024-03-16 · 4 min Wikipedia is the most popular online encyclopedia, and millions of people rely on it every day to provide trustworthy information on a wide variety of topics. It is not well known but there have been numerous scandals which put this trust into question. For example in 2012, a tru
Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
2024-01-14 · 9 min This is an unofficial non-technical guide to using Mastodon and the wider Fediverse. You can search or browse the guide below. There’s a quick min i-version at the top, and the complete version below it. Search Search QUICK GUIDE If you’re totally lost and want to know what
La raccomandazione europea sull’insegnamento dell’informatica nella scuola
2023-12-28 · 4 min di Enrico NardelliMercoledì 6 dicembre si è svolta alla Camera la conferenza stampa, organizzata dall’Intergruppo Innovazione (gruppo bipartisan di parlamentari che hanno a cuore i temi dell’innovazione), dedicata all'approvazione da parte del Consiglio dell'Unione Europea
How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
2023-12-16 · 9 min The year is 2023. The whole Internet is under the control of the GAFAM empire. All of it? Well, not entirely. Because a few small villages are resisting the oppression. And some of those villages started to agregate, forming the "Fediverse".With debates around Twitter and Reddit,
David Revoy on Why Free and Open Source Software Matters
2023-11-20 · 17 min David Revoy is a French illustrator living in the country’s south, near the town of Montauban. After working as a freelance artist for over 20 years, he’s become experienced in illustration, art direction, concept art, visual storytelling and even teaching. Today, David spen
Cutting Google out of your life
2023-09-12 · 53 min I don't have anything to hide, but I don't have anything to show you either. Contributing Browser extensions Replacements/alternatives Disclaimer Web-based products Operating systems Desktop applications Mobile applications Hardware Useful links, tools, and advice Resource

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Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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