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Religiosi Ulisse Sartini
2024-02-20 · 31 min jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var delay = 100; setTimeout(function() { $('.elementor-tab-title').removeClass('elementor-active'); $('.elementor-tab-content').css('display', 'none'); }, delay); }); Vai al contenuto /*! elementor - v3.19.0 - 29-01-2024 */ .elementor-
Les meilleures applications libres et éthiques pour Android en 2024 Alternatives numériques
2024-02-05 · 7 min Cet article est une production collective. Suite à mon appel à propositions sur Mastodon, 45 internautes ont généreusement partagé leurs meilleures applications libres et éthiques. Merci à elles et eux.Initialement, je pensais lister dans cet article les meilleures applica
Export Data | Tabula
2024-02-01 · 9 min DEV mode Tabula My Files My Templates About Help Source Code Support Tabula on OpenCollective!
There's No Way to Protect Custom GPT Instructions
2024-01-21 · 8 min neohed 1Am I correct in thinking this?I created a Custom GPT I thought was safe. I posted the challenge on X. About a week later someone got the instructions.The biggest problem seems to be when the conversation gets long enough, it forgets the instructions.I think I can protect
Europol sting takes down RagnarLocker ransomware gang
2023-12-31 · 3 min Ransomware gang RagnarLocker has had its dark web portal seized in an international law enforcement operation led by the pan-European police force Europol.Europol has apparently taken down the online infrastructure of the RagnarLocker ransomware gang. (Photo by PixelBiss/Shutters
Amnesty confirms Apple warning: Indian journalists' iPhones infected with Pegasus spyware | TechCrunch
2023-12-28 · 2 min Apple’s warnings in late October that Indian journalists and opposition figures may have been targeted by state-sponsored attacks prompted a forceful counterattack from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government. Officials publicly doubted Apple’s findings and announced a pr
Switcho: Risparmia su Luce, gas, Telefonia e Assicurazione
2023-12-27 · < 1 min Sì, Switcho può aiutare la tua azienda, il tuo ufficio o la tua attività commerciale a risparmiare sulle bollette di luce e gas senza stress.Il nostro servizio per piccole imprese e partite IVA è molto semplice ed intuitivo: crea il tuo profilo, allega una bolletta recen
Affaire du 8 décembre : le chiffrement des communications assimilé à un comportement terroriste
2023-12-23 · 39 min Cet article a été rédigé sur la base d’informations relatives à l’affaire dite du “8 décembre”1Pour un résumé de l’affaire du 8 décembre voir notamment les témoignages disponibles dans cet article de la Revue Z, cet article de Lundi matin, les articles des co
35+ Process Intelligence Software e strumenti (aggiornamento 2023) Workfellow
2023-12-21 · 23 min Nell'ambito del software aziendale, sono poche le categorie di software che stanno riscuotendo tanto interesse quanto il software process intelligence . Secondo le stime di Gartner, il mercato ha raggiunto un fatturato di oltre 1 miliardo di dollari entro il 2022 e potrebbe trip
Dieselgate, but for trains – some heavyweight hardware hacking
2023-12-11 · 12 min [this is an English translation of the original article in Polish, we occasionally publish the best cyber stories from Poland in English] A train manufactured by a Polish company suddenly broke down during maintenance. The experts were helpless – the train was fine, it just w
Artificial Intelligence Act: deal on comprehensive rules for trustworthy AI | News | European Parliament
2023-12-10 · 4 min MEPs reached a political deal with the Council on a bill to ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental rights and democracy, while businesses can thrive and expand.On Friday, Parliament and Council negotiators reached a provisional agreement on the Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Act: deal on comprehensive rules for trustworthy AI | Attualità | Parlamento europeo
2023-12-10 · 4 min MEPs reached a political deal with the Council on a bill to ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental rights and democracy, while businesses can thrive and expand.On Friday, Parliament and Council negotiators reached a provisional agreement on the Artificial Intelligence

foto Valentino Spataro
Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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