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Radio. Ascolto eterogeneo in streaming è pieno di sorprese. Gugliotta (Xdevel) ne svela diverse: da Google ad Amazon passando per Radioplayer Newslinet
2024-03-20 · 11 min Stampa Gugliotta (Xdevel): Ripartizione ascolto streaming vede dispositivi mobili al 50% (anche grazie all’automotive), desktop al 30%, smart speaker al 15% e smart tv al 5%.La scelta di Google di bloccare le actions (un anno fa), spostando l’enfasi sulla collaborazione con
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There's No Way to Protect Custom GPT Instructions
2024-01-21 · 8 min neohed 1Am I correct in thinking this?I created a Custom GPT I thought was safe. I posted the challenge on X. About a week later someone got the instructions.The biggest problem seems to be when the conversation gets long enough, it forgets the instructions.I think I can protect
Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
2024-01-14 · 9 min This is an unofficial non-technical guide to using Mastodon and the wider Fediverse. You can search or browse the guide below. There’s a quick min i-version at the top, and the complete version below it. Search Search QUICK GUIDE If you’re totally lost and want to know what
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Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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