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Ross Anderson's Home Page
2024-04-24 · 75 min [Research] [Blog] [Videos] [Politics] [My Book] [Music] [Seminars] [Contact Details] Machine Learning needs Better Randomness Standards: Randomised Smoothing and PRNG-based attacks shows that the randomness tests long used to check random number generators for use in cryptograp
Top 50 Cyber Security Interview Questions With Answers
2024-04-23 · 2 min Welcome to our cheat sheet on the top 50 cyber security interview questions with answers. If you are preparing for a job interview in the field of cyber security, this cheat sheet will provide you with valuable insights and help you ace your interview. In this post, we will cover
Implementare DORA: le buone pratiche per sopravvivere all’adeguamento normativo Cyber Security 360
2024-03-12 · 5 min Parto con un evento che nulla a che fare con DORA, ma che ben rispecchia la situazione: ogni volta che c’è una nuova normativa da implementare ecco che compaiono dal nulla esperti della materia.Pensiamo al documento di indirizzo emesso dall’Autorità Garante sui metadati del
Autonomous Weapons, come l’IA sta cambiando il panorama bellico
2024-03-12 · 4 min Il dibattito sull’uso delle armi autonome è complesso e coinvolge preoccupazioni di carattere etico, legale e di sicurezza, soprattutto in relazione alle possibili conseguenze errate che i sistemi possono prendere durante un combattimento. Lo scenario internazionale odierno,
Navigating through Challenges and Opportunities of cybersecurity Standardisation — ENISA
2024-03-07 · 2 min News Item On 5 March, the European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs), CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for cybersecurity, to organise their 8th cybersecurity Standardisation Conference. Published on March 07, 2024 The hybrid conferenc
OpenPuff Steganography & Watermarking
2024-02-07 · < 1 min OpenPuff is a professional steganography tool: HW seeded random number generator (CSPRNG) Deniable steganography Carrier chains (up to 256Mb of hidden data) Carrier bits selection level Modern multi-cryptography (16 algorithms) Multi-layered data obfuscation (3 pas
Data breach Moab: trapelati 26 miliardi di record rubati
2024-02-01 · 2 min I ricercatori di Security Discovery e CyberNews hanno rilevato un database esposto di proporzioni enormi. Una min iera d’oro per i malintenzionati, contenente 3.800 cartelle con informazioni personali di utenti, credenziali di accesso e dati finanziari. Mother of all breaches,
12 Most Secure Messaging Apps for Windows & Linux in 2024
2024-01-28 · 18 min Why do we need a secure messenger?The advances in technology and the widespread use of smartphones have made messengers one of the most popular forms of communication. However, such convenience is associated with a set of certain risks, especially when discussing confidential is
Frida • A world class dynamic instrumentation toolkit
2024-01-06 · 1 min Frida • A world-class dynamic instrumentation toolkit | Observe and reprogram running programs on Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, Android, FreeBSD, and QNX FЯIDA ScriptableInject your own scripts into black box processes. Hook any function, spy on crypto APIs o
What You Need to Know About China’s New Generative AI Measures
2024-01-06 · 10 min On July 10, 2023, seven departments including the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (《生成式人工智能服务管理暂行办法》, the “Generative AI Measu
Translation: Internet Information Service Algorithmic Recommendation Management Provisions – Effective March 1, 2022 DigiChina
2024-01-05 · 26 min The following translation is based on DigiChina's translation of an earlier draft of these provisions by Helen Toner, Rogier Creemers, and Graham Webster. It has been revised and updated to reflect the final version, taking effect March 1, 2022, by Rogier Creemers. The following
Tech Security Year in Review
2024-01-01 · 13 min Tech Security Year in Review 2023 As we say goodbye to 2023, let’s look back on a year that has become a battleground in cybersecurity. The numbers tell a compelling story, with 953 incidents and a colossal DarkBeam breach of 3.8 billion records. Global data breach cos

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Tutti i giorni alle 8.30 by Valentino Spataro; dal 2008

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